Designing the Perfect On-Demand Taxi App
There are many on-demand taxi apps around us today. And all of them are doing a fairly good job. Still, except Uber, no other app has such a huge following today; and even Uber can not claim to have made the perfect mobile application. There are a lot of features that Uber has incorporated, as a part of its “180 Days of Change” campaign, in order to make their app better. These changes are heavily focussed to improve the experience of drivers associated with them, as they obviously form an important part of the business.
Drivers can now choose from the various trip type preferences. That means, if the drivers aren’t getting many requests, they can choose to make deliveries for UberEats instead. Previously, the drivers could not have set more than 2 destinations a day. That meant, they would work only a specific area on any given day. It would make their commute from home and back easier. But now they have the option to choose as many as 6 destinations a day. Drivers get their long trip notifications. So, if reaching their destination would take 45 minutes or more, they have the option to turn down the ride in case they’re in a hurry. The 180 days are still far from over, but these changes and updates don’t look so bad at all. The people at Uber are clearly working hard to improve their user-experience, specifically the drivers, better than before. LIke, declining a trip will not be as bad a thing as it used to be for the Uber drivers a while ago. Uber is now thinking more about their drivers, trying to be more flexible; and it’s paying off too!
What Can You Learn From Popular On-demand Taxi Solutions?
You could have been in the on-demand taxi business market for ages, or you might be a newcomer - it doesn’t matter much. Time doesn’t matter, unless you’ve made sure that it does. What that means is, ask yourself - has your performance chart shown any considerable growth over time? Have your failures been able to act as a guidepost for your path forward? Have you been able to gauge your competitors better? Have you utilized your time efficiently to know your target audience better? There are many such pointers that effectively decide whether you’ve made an optimum use of your time in the market. Saying that you performed to the best of your ability doesn’t really count after a while. Because true experience, especially in the field of ever-changing, growing, and expanding technology, can only be created if you’re ready to likewise expand the limit on your abilities too. Unless you don’t have positive and definitive answers to the questions above, you do not have much time to credit for. But on the bright side, you do not have to worry if you haven’t been for too long here. Because that means, you now get to create your own time and use it however you deem it best. First things first though, to be able to compete with the apps already in the market, like Uber, Lyft, etc. - make sure you learn from their time spent here - learn from their mistakes, learn what they did right, learn what were the things that they missed out on, and then learn how to do them.
What do we Recommend?
If there’s ever room for anything, it’s improvement. You can never be too perfect; you can never make absolutely no mistakes. You could be at the top of your game, your app could be the most attractive looking and user-friendly, and it would still have the chance to get even better. So, keep an eye on the technological forays that are being made everyday. And make sure to ask your app users about their experience with the app. By keeping a tab on the innovations taking place around you, and knowing what is it that your customers are looking for, you can work on the exact updates for your application. That is how you will be able to introduce the exact improvements that your users need, and hence provide them with a satisfying experience. Do not forget to take into account the user’s ratings, their reviews, screen your drivers carefully, and provide an excellent customer support.

Drivers can now choose from the various trip type preferences. That means, if the drivers aren’t getting many requests, they can choose to make deliveries for UberEats instead. Previously, the drivers could not have set more than 2 destinations a day. That meant, they would work only a specific area on any given day. It would make their commute from home and back easier. But now they have the option to choose as many as 6 destinations a day. Drivers get their long trip notifications. So, if reaching their destination would take 45 minutes or more, they have the option to turn down the ride in case they’re in a hurry. The 180 days are still far from over, but these changes and updates don’t look so bad at all. The people at Uber are clearly working hard to improve their user-experience, specifically the drivers, better than before. LIke, declining a trip will not be as bad a thing as it used to be for the Uber drivers a while ago. Uber is now thinking more about their drivers, trying to be more flexible; and it’s paying off too!
What Can You Learn From Popular On-demand Taxi Solutions?
You could have been in the on-demand taxi business market for ages, or you might be a newcomer - it doesn’t matter much. Time doesn’t matter, unless you’ve made sure that it does. What that means is, ask yourself - has your performance chart shown any considerable growth over time? Have your failures been able to act as a guidepost for your path forward? Have you been able to gauge your competitors better? Have you utilized your time efficiently to know your target audience better? There are many such pointers that effectively decide whether you’ve made an optimum use of your time in the market. Saying that you performed to the best of your ability doesn’t really count after a while. Because true experience, especially in the field of ever-changing, growing, and expanding technology, can only be created if you’re ready to likewise expand the limit on your abilities too. Unless you don’t have positive and definitive answers to the questions above, you do not have much time to credit for. But on the bright side, you do not have to worry if you haven’t been for too long here. Because that means, you now get to create your own time and use it however you deem it best. First things first though, to be able to compete with the apps already in the market, like Uber, Lyft, etc. - make sure you learn from their time spent here - learn from their mistakes, learn what they did right, learn what were the things that they missed out on, and then learn how to do them.
What do we Recommend?
If there’s ever room for anything, it’s improvement. You can never be too perfect; you can never make absolutely no mistakes. You could be at the top of your game, your app could be the most attractive looking and user-friendly, and it would still have the chance to get even better. So, keep an eye on the technological forays that are being made everyday. And make sure to ask your app users about their experience with the app. By keeping a tab on the innovations taking place around you, and knowing what is it that your customers are looking for, you can work on the exact updates for your application. That is how you will be able to introduce the exact improvements that your users need, and hence provide them with a satisfying experience. Do not forget to take into account the user’s ratings, their reviews, screen your drivers carefully, and provide an excellent customer support.

Pritesh Pethani