Find out what skills to look for when you hire Android Developers today?
2017 saw incredible advances in mobile technology like the launch of iPhone 6 and 6 plus, Internet of Things, introduction of the iPhone SE, iOS 10 SDK, and the growth of wearable technology, to name a few. The demand for mobile applications far outweighs the supply and this gap will continue to increase what with the rapid advances in technology.
As per Forbes, IDC estimates that by the end of this year 87% of linked devices sold will be Tablets and Smartphones. Gartner says, by the end of 2017 the market demand for mobile app development services will grow 5x times than the IT organizations’ capacity to create them. Their principal research analyst, Adrian Leow, believes that businesses find it is difficult to develop quickly, position and sustain mobile apps to meet growing demand since it is very difficult and expensive to hire developers with good mobile skills. Though the mobile app industry is growing rapidly, the number of mobile app developers doesn’t seem to grow as fast as it needs to. Every issue that people face has an app based solution today, which means almost all existing developer teams are overworked and are continuously racing to meet rising demand. In other words, we are moving towards a world that revolves around mobile apps, which means the ones creating these applications will be in demand especially Android as it is one of the most popular apps in the market. The Bureau of Labour Statistics says the demand for mobile app developers will grow 32 percent by 2020. India’s mobile phone industry is also booming and the Internet & Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) estimates that India will need 20 million app developers by 2020, a marked increase from the 50-60 thousand developers it has today. Every industry vertical like advertising agencies, marketing firms, video game development companies and others are looking to hire expert android developers. These developers should be able to work in different computer languages like C#, C++, Java and more. Just writing programs is not enough, knowing how to translate ideas to apps and then publishing them is also a skill that an accomplished developer should have. For companies looking to hire, hiring the right and the best android developer becomes crucial. The checklist of hiring developers should include a criterion for technical skills, such as OOP, XML parsing and lifecycle of an activity. A working knowledge of JSON parsing in android and payment integration are added skills companies should look for in their developers. Hiring is tedious and oft time quite time-consuming and difficult, especially when you are looking for specialized skills. To make things easier when you hire android developers, look for these skills and you won’t hire the wrong person.
Experience matters: Not just theoretical, but practical experience of app development matters when you are looking to hire a developer. Check with the applicants to understand if they have developed an application, what part of the application was developed by him or her? Try and gauge if they understand the Android platform, its components and how they behave. Are they aware of how payment integration, social media and activity lifecycle work? Can the applicant design and develop different app functionalities are areas where you should pay more attention to? Look for app reviews on Play Store or iTunes and once you are sure of the applicants’ ability, you can hire the person. This does not mean you can’t hire inexperienced or enthusiastic developers. With them you should check for their knowledge and test them on their ability to write code in the programming languages they claim knowledge of. You never know when you may find the one that fits all your requirements.
Check Portfolios: As for and check a potential android developer’s portfolio. This would help you understand their approach to the goal and the quality of work delivered along with time taken to develop as well as their designing abilities. Knowing these basic things would let you evaluate whether the person would fit the role you are hiring for.
Expert at Open Source Platforms: Developing apps for Android is easier as developers get a chance to explore since it is an open source platform. In the same way, the app developer who understand open source platforms and knows the best way to work on them to get the best results is the one you should think of hiring. What this means you look at the developer’s ability to change, modify and adapt as per business requirements.
Out-of-the-Box Developer: Hiring a developer, doesn’t solve your purpose. You need to hire someone who not only has the technical aspects of development down pat, but is also able to think of solutions that are innovative and intuitive. Look for someone who values quality over quantity. A developer who can understand the business and its requirements will be able to give the client a one-of-a-kind solution. Knowledge of After-Development Processes: An android developer needs to be proficient not only with creating and coding an app but also with things that need to be done after development is complete. An ability to understand app submission guidelines, how to fix bugs, publishing the app are other skills the android developer should know have. You can safely hire such a developer as he or she would have knowledge of the entire cycle right from the idea to creation to deployment. Check if your business interests the developer: Hiring someone who is just interested in development, will not help you much. On the other hand if the android developer is genuinely interested in your business, then he or she may give added creative inputs, based on the experience of developing other apps for clients. Hiring an android developer will knowledge of other aspects of creating an app can help you succeed. Lastly, cost should not be the main factor: In a bid to maintain your budget to hire an android developer, companies often end up developing apps that are not up to the mark and have no apparent value. This means you end up re-doing the entire process to make sure your app is a success and spend far more than you anticipated. To avoid that, it is better to pay a little more for the best candidate than hiring more inexperienced android developers in the long run. The best deal is not always the right one, so evaluate all the aspects before you hire developers. If you are looking to outsource your development, then here’s what you should check for • Understand who is a part of the team working on your app requirement • Check for their portfolio and previous work • Check for reviews of apps deployed by them • Get a list of their clients and speak to them if possible • Check to see they understand your requirements completely and what they need to deliver. • Make sure timelines and ownership of the code is will be agreed upon to avoid last minute hassles. Not just the team, but even you should have enough information about your target audience. This will help you pick the right android developer. Follow the tips mentioned above and hiring the best android developer should be a breeze.

Experience matters: Not just theoretical, but practical experience of app development matters when you are looking to hire a developer. Check with the applicants to understand if they have developed an application, what part of the application was developed by him or her? Try and gauge if they understand the Android platform, its components and how they behave. Are they aware of how payment integration, social media and activity lifecycle work? Can the applicant design and develop different app functionalities are areas where you should pay more attention to? Look for app reviews on Play Store or iTunes and once you are sure of the applicants’ ability, you can hire the person. This does not mean you can’t hire inexperienced or enthusiastic developers. With them you should check for their knowledge and test them on their ability to write code in the programming languages they claim knowledge of. You never know when you may find the one that fits all your requirements.
Check Portfolios: As for and check a potential android developer’s portfolio. This would help you understand their approach to the goal and the quality of work delivered along with time taken to develop as well as their designing abilities. Knowing these basic things would let you evaluate whether the person would fit the role you are hiring for.
Expert at Open Source Platforms: Developing apps for Android is easier as developers get a chance to explore since it is an open source platform. In the same way, the app developer who understand open source platforms and knows the best way to work on them to get the best results is the one you should think of hiring. What this means you look at the developer’s ability to change, modify and adapt as per business requirements.
Out-of-the-Box Developer: Hiring a developer, doesn’t solve your purpose. You need to hire someone who not only has the technical aspects of development down pat, but is also able to think of solutions that are innovative and intuitive. Look for someone who values quality over quantity. A developer who can understand the business and its requirements will be able to give the client a one-of-a-kind solution. Knowledge of After-Development Processes: An android developer needs to be proficient not only with creating and coding an app but also with things that need to be done after development is complete. An ability to understand app submission guidelines, how to fix bugs, publishing the app are other skills the android developer should know have. You can safely hire such a developer as he or she would have knowledge of the entire cycle right from the idea to creation to deployment. Check if your business interests the developer: Hiring someone who is just interested in development, will not help you much. On the other hand if the android developer is genuinely interested in your business, then he or she may give added creative inputs, based on the experience of developing other apps for clients. Hiring an android developer will knowledge of other aspects of creating an app can help you succeed. Lastly, cost should not be the main factor: In a bid to maintain your budget to hire an android developer, companies often end up developing apps that are not up to the mark and have no apparent value. This means you end up re-doing the entire process to make sure your app is a success and spend far more than you anticipated. To avoid that, it is better to pay a little more for the best candidate than hiring more inexperienced android developers in the long run. The best deal is not always the right one, so evaluate all the aspects before you hire developers. If you are looking to outsource your development, then here’s what you should check for • Understand who is a part of the team working on your app requirement • Check for their portfolio and previous work • Check for reviews of apps deployed by them • Get a list of their clients and speak to them if possible • Check to see they understand your requirements completely and what they need to deliver. • Make sure timelines and ownership of the code is will be agreed upon to avoid last minute hassles. Not just the team, but even you should have enough information about your target audience. This will help you pick the right android developer. Follow the tips mentioned above and hiring the best android developer should be a breeze.

Pritesh Pethani